
Harvard Gastroenterology 2021 The Comprehensive Update (CME VIDEOS)


59 Videos + 43 PDFs , File Size = 19.50 GB

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Product Title: Harvard Gastroenterology 2021 The Comprehensive Update (CME VIDEOS)


59 Videos + 43 PDFs, File Size = 19.50 GB

Overview (Details, Topics and Speakers):


This program ensures participants are current with state-of-the-art GI strategies and clinical practices.
It covers recent advances and their impact on clinical approaches and on patient outcomes. Updates, best practices, and new guidelines are presented by nationally recognized GI experts and master clinicians.

  • TopicsSpeakers

Welcome – Daniel Chung, MD
01 Which Initial Therapy to Choose for Crohn’s and UC – Joshua Korzenik, MD
02 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in IBD – Adam Cheifetz, MD
03 Management of Severe UC and Pouch-Related Complications – Ashwin Ananthakrishnan, MD, MP
04 IBD in Special Populations Pregnancy and the Elderly – Sonia Friedman, MD
05 WORKSHOP 1 Dermatologic Manifestations of IBD – Daniela Kroshinsky, MD, MPH
06 How to Manage Microscopic Colitis – Hamed Khalili, MD, MPH
07 GI Complications of Immunotherapy – Michael Dougan, MD, PhD
08 What’s New in Hereditary GI Cancers – Daniel Chung, MD
09 WORKSHOP 2 CRC Screening and How to Improve Your ADR – Ramona Lim, MD
10 Chemoprevention of CRC What Should You Recommend – Andrew Chan, MD, MPH


01 Barrett’s Esophagus Whom and How to Treat – Douglas Pleskow, MD
02 Esophageal Motility Disorders Made Easy – Barbara Nath, MD
03 WORKSHOP 3 Endoscopy Workflows in the COVID Era – Norman Nishioka, MD
04 Comprehensive Approach to Eosinophilic Esophagitis – Walter Chan, MD, MPH
05 Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity 2021 Practitioner Updates – Ciaran Kelly, MD
06 Optimizing the Management of Gastroparesis – Braden Kuo, MD
07 Making the Diagnosis of IBS – Kyle Staller, MD
08 Modern Management Strategies for IBS – Anthony Lembo, MD
09 How to Evaluate Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth – Judy Nee, MD
10 WORKSHOP 4 Effective and Evidence-Based Treatment for Pelvic Floor Disorders Understanding Pelvic Floor PT – Meghan Markowski

01- Hepatitis B Evolving Epidemiology and Treatment Landscape – Jules Dienstag, MD
02 Treating Hepatitis C to Eradication – Raymong Chung, MD
03 Cholestatic Liver Diseases What’s New in PBC and PSC – Daniel Pratt, MD
04 Alcoholic Liver Disease – Gyongyi Szabo, MD, PhD
05 The Epidemic of NAFLD – Kathleen Corey, MD
06 Autoimmune Hepatitis Update – Alan Bonder, MD
07 WORKSHOP 5 The Workup of a Liver Nodule – Karin Andersson, MD
08 WORKSHOP 6 How to Approach Drug-Induced Liver Injury (DILI) – Michael Curry, MD
09 End-Stage Liver Disease and Management of Portal Hypertension – Anna Rutherford, MD, MPH
10 Best Management Strategies in Acute Pancreatitis – Peter Banks, MD
11 Updates in Chronic Pancreatitis – Sunil Sheth, MD
12 Controversies in the Management of Cystic Lesions of the Pancreas – Carlos Fernandez-del Castillo, MD

01 What’s New in C difficile Colitis – Jessica Allegretti, MD, MPH
02 COVID in the GI Tract – Walter Chan, MD, MPH
03 New Insights into the Gut Microbiome and Disease – Ramnik Xavier, MD
04 WORKSHOP 7 Tips for Removing the Difficult Polyp – Tyler Berzin, MD
05 Quality Measures in Endoscopy What’s New and Why It Matters – Mandeep Sawhney, MD
06 Endoscopy and the Anticoagulated Patient – Kunal Jajoo, MD (1080p with 30fps)
07 Acute GI Bleeding and Other GI Emergencies – Linda Lee, MD
08 WORKSHOP 8 Challenging Cases in GI – Douglas Horst, MD
09 GI Management of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders – Lee Kaplan, MD, PhD
10 Improving Nutritional Management in GI Disease – Andrew Ukleja, MD

Panel Q&A
Panel Q&A – Andrew Chan, MD, MPH Daniel Chung, MD Ramona Lim, MD
Panel Q&A – Ashwin Ananthakrishnan, MD, MPH Adam Cheifetz, MD Joshua Korzenik, MD
Panel Q&A – Braden Kuo, MD Kyle Staller, MD Anthony Lembo, MD
Panel Q&A – Douglas Horst, MD Lee Kaplan, MD, PhD Andrew Ukleja, MD
Panel Q&A – Douglas Pleskow, MD Norman Nishioka, MD, Barbara Nath, MD
Panel Q&A – Gyongyi Szabo, MD, PhD Kathleen Corey, MD Alan Bonder, MD
Panel Q&A – Jessica Allegretti, MD, MPH Walter Chan, MD, MPH Ramnik Xavier, MD
Panel Q&A – Judy Nee, MD Meghan Markowski-Chucciara, PT, DPT, WCS, BCB-PMD
Panel Q&A – Jules Dienstag, MD Raymong Chung, MD Daniel Pratt, MD
Panel Q&A – Karin Andersson, MD Michael Curry, MD Anna Rutherford, MD, MPH
Panel Q&A – Linda Lee, MD Kunal Jajoo, MD
Panel Q&A – MIchael Dougan, MD, PhD Hamed Khalili, MD, MPH
Panel Q&A – Peter Banks, MD Sunil Sheth, MD Carlos Fernandez-del Castillo, MD
Panel Q&A – Sonia Friedman, MD Daniela Kroshinsky, MD, MPH
Panel Q&A – Tyler Berzin, MD Mandeep Sawhney, MD
Panel Q&A – Walter Chan, MD, MPH Ciaran Kelly, MD

Release Date : 14-17 June 2021

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the Harvard Gastroenterology 2021 The Comprehensive Update (CME VIDEOS) course/book will be provided for customer as download link. download link has NO Expiry and can be used anytime.

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