
A Wake Up Call from the Anaesthesiologist!: Stories from the Operation Theatre- Education Initiative for the Public (EPUB)


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Product Title: A Wake Up Call from the Anaesthesiologist!: Stories from the Operation Theatre- Education Initiative for the Public (EPUB)


EPUB, File Size = 614.40 KB

Overview (Details, Topics and Speakers):

by Vasanthi Vidyasagaran

Imagine a world without anaesthesia. From tooth extraction to painless births and complex organ transplants, medical science has advanced in leaps and bounds thanks to advancements in the field of anaesthesia. Although less celebrated, anaesthesia has been and always will be a major pillar of support to medical science.

Today, the most complex surgeries that were once beyond human imagination are possible due to parallel developments in the field of anaesthesia. Overall care for the patient when surgery is in progress, form the essence of anaesthetic practice. Having to undergo a surgical procedure is stressful to the patient and their family members. While the anaesthetist helps keep the patient sedated and comfortable during the surgery, oftentimes, it is the relatives waiting outside the operating room who are filled with anxiety. This book is an attempt to let you, the reader, catch a glimpse of what really happens inside the operation theatre and help allevite some of those concerns.. Do read on and understand the significance of anaesthesia and the crucial role of an anaesthetist.

With an overarching passion for the field, the author has highlighted many interesting cases that required thorough knowledge of the subject and high levels of skill to ensure a successful outcome. These stories from the operating room are sure to be informative and engaging to readers from all backgrounds.

  • Paperback: 92 pages
  • Publisher: Notion Press, Inc.; 1 edition (September 19, 2017)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1947851926
  • ISBN-13: 978-1947851924

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