
Advances in Healthcare Informatics and Analytics (PDF)



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Product Title: Advances in Healthcare Informatics and Analytics (PDF)



Overview (Details, Topics and Speakers):

Ashish GuptaAshish Gupta

This important new volume presents recent research in healthcare information technology and analytics. Individual chapters look at such issues as the impact of technology failure on electronic prescribing behavior in primary care; attitudes toward electronic health records; a latent growth modeling approach to understanding lifestyle decisions based on patient historical data; designing an integrated surgical care delivery system using axiomatic design and petri net modeling; and failure in a dynamic decision environment, particularly in treating patients with a chronic disease.

Other chapters look at such topics as the impact of information technology integration in integrated delivery systems; operations and supply chain control for inventory management in a health system pharmacy; decision-theoretic assistants based on contextual gesture recognition; evaluating emergency response medical information systems; clinical decision support in critical care; virtual worlds in healthcare; and natural language processing for understanding contraceptive use at the VA.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9783319232935
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
Publication date: 01/11/2016
Series: Annals of Information Systems Series, #19
Edition description: 1st ed. 2016
Pages: 262
Product dimensions: 6.10(w) x 9.25(h) x (d)

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