
Dermatopathology: A Comprehensive Review 2014 (CME Videos)


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Product Title: Dermatopathology: A Comprehensive Review 2014 (CME Videos)



Overview (Details, Topics and Speakers):

Dermatopathology – A Comprehensive Review

Dermatopathology: A Comprehensive Review

The Oakstone Institute

The Oakstone Institute course Dermatopathology: A Comprehensive Review has just been recorded. This activity will be available Online and in DVD formats to fit your schedule and preparation preference. What’s more, it includes a detailed syllabus on PDF that features enlargeable full-color images of each slide from all presentations.

The Dermatopathology: A Comprehensive Review activity is part of a series of comprehensive reviews that Oakstone Institute has developed. Topic areas for this series currently include: dermatopathology, cytopathology, blood banking, and molecular genetics.


This course condenses the very large field of dermatopathology into a concise series of lectures that allows participants to successfully interpret the great majority of cutaneous biopsies encountered in routine practice.

Intended Audience

Pathologists and dermatologists who interpret skin biopsies in their daily practice. Residents in pathology and dermatology learning this challenging and complex subspecialty.

Topics & Speakers

  • Cutaneous Histology, Biopsy Processing and Reporting
  • Epidermal Tumors
  • Melanocytic Tumors
  • Adnexal Tumors
  • Hematolymphoid Tumors
  • Fibrohistiocytic Tumors
  • Mesenchymal Tumors
  • Inflammatory Diseases of the Epidermis
  • Inflammatory Diseases of the Dermis
  • Panniculitis
  • Cutaneous Infections
  • Diseases of Cornification and Epidermal Maturation

(All lectures by Garth R. Fraga MD, FASDP)


Program/Course Director

Garth R. Fraga, MD, FASDP
Associate Professor and Residency Program Director
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
University of Kansas School of Medicine
Kansas City, KS

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this activity, the participant will be able to:
  • Apply simple rules to accurately identify both nonmelanoma and melanoma skin cancers
  • Use criteria to distinguish benign melanocytic nevus from melanoma
  • Recognize the many benign lesions that are often sampled to rule out malignancy
  • Apply appropriate immunostains and molecular methods to the diagnosis of cutaneous neoplasms
  • Guide your clinicians in the diagnosis and management of inflammatory skin diseases

Date of Original Release: August 1, 2014

Estimated Time to Complete: 13 hours


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Delivery Method

the Dermatopathology: A Comprehensive Review 2014 (CME Videos) course/book will be provided for customer as download link. download link has NO Expiry and can be used anytime.

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