
Foundations of Athletic Training: Prevention, Assessment, and Management, 7th Edition (EPUB)


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Product Title: Foundations of Athletic Training: Prevention, Assessment, and Management, 7th Edition (EPUB)



Overview (Details, Topics and Speakers):

By Marcia K Anderson PhD AT Ret, Mary Barnum EdD. ATC
Lippincott® Connect Featured TitlePurchase of the new print edition of this Lippincott® Connect title includes lifetime access to the digital version of the book, plus related materials such as videos and multiple-choice Q&A and self-assessments.Comprehensive and evidence-based, Foundations of Athletic Training, 7th Edition, integrates basic medical concepts and related scientific information to help readers develop a strong foundation in athletic training best practices. The text’s practical, problem-solving approach to the prevention, recognition, assessment, management, and disposition of sports-related injuries and diseases helps students learn to think like practitioners. Fully aligned with the BOC competencies, the 7th Edition has been extensively updated, expanded, and reorganized to reflect the changing role of today’s athletic trainer and includes a powerful suite of engaging learning tools to help students succeed.

  • New chapters on Healthcare Administration, Leadership and Advocacy Professionalism, and Patient-Centered Care and extensively revised content throughout reflects the latest practices and helps you meet the challenges of today’s healthcare environment.
  • Application strategies offer step-by-step instructions on how to perform skills, conduct assessments, and teach injury prevention exercises.
  • EMS alerts highlight emergency situations requiring immediate medical attention.
  • Critical thinking scenarios and questions teach you to critically analyze information and apply decision-making knowledge and skills to problems presented.
  • Full-color images and anatomical illustrations help you confidently locate key muscles, nerves, and blood vessels and recognize sports-related injuries and medical conditions.
  • Application questions challenge you to apply what you’ve learned.

Lippincott® Connect features:

  • Lifetime access to the digital version of the book with the ability to highlight and take notes on key passages for a more personal, efficient study experience.
  • Carefully curated resources, such as interactive diagrams, video tutorials, organ sounds, and self-assessment, all designed to facilitate further comprehension.

Lippincott® Connect also allows users to create Study Collections to further personalize the study experience. With Study Collections you can:

  • Pool content from books across your entire library into self-created Study Collections based on discipline, procedure, organ, concept or other topics.
  • Display related text passages, video clips and self-assessment questions from each book (if available) for efficient absorption of material.
  • Annotate and highlight key content for easy access later.
  • Navigate seamlessly between book chapters, sections, self-assessments, notes and highlights in a single view/page.


Product Details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ LWW; Seventh edition (October 21, 2021)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 1100 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1975161378
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1975161378
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 9781975161378
  • eText ISBN: 9781975161408

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