
Joint Motion, Muscle Length, and Function Assessment: A Research-Based Practical Guide, 2nd Edition (EPUB)


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Product Title: Joint Motion, Muscle Length, and Function Assessment: A Research-Based Practical Guide, 2nd Edition (EPUB)


EPUB, File Size = 248.60 MB

Overview (Details, Topics and Speakers):

Now in striking full color, this updated edition of Clarkson’s Joint Motion, Muscle Length, and Function Assessment: A Research-Based Practical Guide offers an accessible and comprehensive presentation of the clinical evaluation and functional application of joint range of motion. Throughout the book, easy-to understand discussions of different types of goniometers, alternate methods of assessment, the reliability and validity of other joint ROM tools, and contraindications and precautions prepare students for effective practice.

A clear and concise writing style, outstanding illustration program, and built-in learning aids, including case studies, chapter objectives, and practical examination forms, make this an ideal resource for future physical and occupational therapists.

  • NEW! A four-color design featuring full-color photos and colorized line illustrations helps students master key techniques and anatomical structures.
  • NEW! A “Quick Find” TOC at the beginning of each chapter makes it easy for students to locate key information—ideal for study and review!
  • NEW! Practice Makes Perfect boxes and icons highlight the availability of online practical examination forms.
  • Unique coverage of joint ROM using the universal goniometer, a topic not typically covered in muscle testing textbooks, prepares students for successful practice.
  • Easy-to-understand coverage of the functional range of motion and functional movement patterns required for performance of daily activities at the joint enhances the presentation.
  • Outstanding line art depicts the therapist’s hand and goniometer positions in relation to deep anatomical structures (bone and muscle) in the end positions of joint ROM measurement.
  • eBook available for purchase. Fast, smart, and convenient, today’s eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and more


Product Details

  • Spiral-bound: 416 pages
  • Publisher: LWW; Second edition (December 17, 2019)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1975112245
  • ISBN-13: 978-1975112240
  • Product Dimensions: 9 x 0.8 x 11 inches

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