
Lewis’s Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: A Comprehensive Textbook, 5ed (ePUB)


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Product Title: Lewis’s Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: A Comprehensive Textbook, 5ed (ePUB)


ePub, File Size = 21.00 MB

Overview (Details, Topics and Speakers):

by Andrés Martin MD MPH (Editor), Fred R. Volkmar MD (Editor), Michael H Bloch MD (Editor)
For 25 years, Lewis’s Child and Adolescent Psychiatry has been the cornerstone of every child and adolescent psychiatrist’s library. Now, three colleagues of Dr. Lewis at the world-renowned Yale Child Study Center, have substantially updated and revised this foundational textbook for its long-awaited fifth edition, the first in ten years. Encyclopedic in scope, it continues to serve as a broad reference, deftly encompassing and integrating scientific principles, research methodologies, and everyday clinical care.

Ideal for anyone involved in the study or practice of child and adolescent psychiatry.
Includes new content on Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) approach advanced by the National Institute of Mental Health.
Section on telepsychiatry has been expanded, and psychopharmacology content has been updated and re-organized into five distinct yet linked components.
Chapters cover ethics, research methodologies, treating diverse populations, evidence-based practice, common disorders and syndromes, treatment options, legal issues, and more.
All royalties from the sale of the book will go to the Break the Cycle initiative of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Product Details

  • Hardcover: 1200 pages
  • Publisher: LWW; Fifth edition (September 8, 2017)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1496345495
  • ISBN-13: 978-1496345493
  • Product Dimensions: 8.6 x 1.7 x 11.4 inches

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