
Operative Techniques in Lower Limb Reconstruction and Amputation (EPUB + Converted PDF)


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Product Title: Operative Techniques in Lower Limb Reconstruction and Amputation (EPUB + Converted PDF)


EPUB + Converted PDF, File Size = 195.70 MB

Overview (Details, Topics and Speakers):

Part of the best-selling Operative Techniques series, Operative Techniques in Plastic Surgery provides superbly illustrated, authoritative guidance on operative techniques along with a thorough understanding of how to select the best procedure, how to avoid complications and what outcomes to expect. This stand-alone book offers focused, easy-to-follow coverage of lower limb reconstruction and amputation, all taken directly from the larger text. It covers nearly all plastic surgery operations for these specific areas that are in current use and is ideal for residents and physicians in daily practice.

  • Comprehensively covers anesthesia and emergency procedures; foot, ankle, and lower leg; knee; thigh; amputation and replantation; lymphedema; and burns.
  • Succinct text, bulleted points, and quick-reference tables allow you to review information quickly and understand best practices and potential problems for each procedure.
  • Hundreds of full-color intraoperative photographs and illustrations, as well as numerous high-quality videos, capture procedures step by step and help you immediately apply your knowledge.
  • Each clinical problem is discussed in the same templated format: definition, anatomy, patient history and physical findings, imaging, differential diagnosis, nonoperative management where applicable, surgical management including preoperative planning and approach, step-by-step surgical techniques, pearls and pitfalls, postoperative care, outcomes, complications and references.
  • Perfect for a quick preoperative review of the steps of a procedure.
  • Editors and contributors are globally renowned authorities in their respective subspecialties and are known for their surgical expertise.

Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience with Enhanced Video, Audio and Interactive Capabilities!

  • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone
  • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech

Product Details

  • Item Weight:2.25 pounds
  • Hardcover:312 pages
  • ISBN-10:197512734X
  • ISBN-13:978-1975127343
  • ISBN-13:9781975127343
  • eText ISBN: 9781975127367
  • Dimensions:8.6 x 0.7 x 11.2 inches
  • Publisher:LWW (May 30, 2019)
  • Language::English

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