Product Title: Pharmacology for the Surgical Technologist, 3e (Original PDF from Publisher)
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Overview (Details, Topics and Speakers):
Pharmacology for the Surgical Technologist, 3e
Katherine Snyder CST BS (Author), Chris Keegan CST MS (Author)
Written specifically to meet the needs of surgical technologists, Pharmacology for the Surgical Technologist, 3rd Edition focuses on the uses of medicines, agents, and solutions in surgery. An introduction to pharmacology covers basic math skills, pharmacologic principles, and drug administration, and is followed by detailed descriptions of common surgical medications along with anesthesia in surgical and emergency situations. This edition adds a new index of drugs by surgical specialty, and a companion Evolve website reinforces your understanding with practical activities and exercises, drug calculations, and more. In this book, Surgical Technology educators Katherine C. Snyder and Chris Keegan cover all areas of pharmacology that are designated in the core curriculum by the AST (Association of Surgical Technology).
- Coverage of pharmacology includes all areas designated in the core curriculum by the Association of Surgical Technology (AST).
- A review of basic math skills and pharmacologic principles makes it easier to apply the information to surgical situations.
- Learning tools in each chapter include learning objectives, key terms with definitions, chapter summaries, and review questions.
- Important and practical advice is provided with Caution alerts, Tech Tips, Notes, and First Assist boxes.
- Common surgical medications are covered by category and include descriptions of surgical applications.
- The free companion Evolve website includes a NEW online study guide with chapter objectives, outlines, key term activities, drug calculations, chapter exercises and review questions, critical thinking exercises, and chapter quizzes.
- Expanded appendix includes an index of Drugs by Surgical Specialty focusing on specific uses of medicines and solutions in surgery.
- Revised Anesthesia unit helps you assist the anesthesia care team with updated protocols and a more cohesive organization for preoperative medications, patient monitoring and local and regional anesthesia, general anesthesia, and emergency situations.
- References in each chapter make it easier to find source material.
Product Details
- Series: Pharmacology for the Surgical Technologist
- Paperback: 309 pages
- Publisher: Saunders; 3 edition (October 25, 2011)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1437710026
- ISBN-13: 978-1437710021
- ISBN-13: 9781437710021
- eText ISBN: 9781455723720
- eText ISBN: 9780323292740
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