Quick reference reference for experienced surgeons and also for specialists in training on different surgical procedures performed in the area of Cardiology, both in terms of open and interventional techniques, providing a detailed and “step-by-step” description of each one of them. In addition to having done a comprehensive review of all chapters, the editors of this new edition include new techniques such as percutaneous mitral valve repair and aortic valve replacement. This edition also pays special attention to minimally invasive techniques indicated in coronary artery, aortic and mitral valve surgery. Equally, New chapters are included dedicated to interventions such as pulmonary endoarterectomy and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy surgery, both very select procedures within cardiac surgery. The use of a simple and highly structured model allows the reader to locate the essential information on each procedure at a single glance. Each chapter offers a “step-by-step” approach in which the information on each procedure is divided into surgical anatomy, preoperative considerations, intervention steps, postoperative care, and a section on successes and errors. Its atlas format includes images and illustrations of different types that serve, not only to clarify the surgical anatomy, but also to visualize the techniques described and allow specialists to carry them out successfully in their clinical practice. The work is complemented by more than 20 videos of the most relevant cardiac surgical techniques performed today by cardiovascular surgeons.
Product Details
- Publisher : Elsevier España, S.L.U.; 1st edition (May 15, 2019)
- Language : Spanish
- Hardcover : 608 pages
- ISBN-10 : 8491134697
- ISBN-13 : 978-8491134695
- ISBN-13 : 9788491134695
- eText ISBN: 9788491134893
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