
Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Comprehensive Case-Based Approach (Original PDF from Publisher)


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Product Title: Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Comprehensive Case-Based Approach (Original PDF from Publisher)


Publisher PDF, File Size = 23.30 MB

Overview (Details, Topics and Speakers):

Focused on the rapidly expanding field of reverse shoulder arthroplasty, Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Comprehensive Case-Based Approach is a detailed guide for shoulder surgeons. As this type of arthroplasty continues to grow globally, this text fills the need for a comprehensive and current book on this topic. This text is edited by Dr. Joseph Abboud, alongside co-editors Drs. Frankle, Romeo, Sanchez-Sotelo, Neyton, and Tashjian. With dozens of leading orthopedic shoulder surgeons as contributors, Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Comprehensive Case-Based Approach serves the needs of a broad audience of surgeons. This includes fellowship-trained shoulder surgeons, sports surgeons, generalists, traumatologists, hand surgeons, and orthopedic oncologists. The unique, case-based approach highlights the current and historic principles of reverse shoulder arthroplasty. Important featured topics in Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty include:

  • Relevant anatomy, indications, and surgical approaches
  • Theory of design and its practical applications: materials used, base plate design, glenospheres, and humeral stems
  • Primary reverse shoulder arthroplasty: RSA for several different indications, how experts perform the operation, and techniques utilized in certain cases
  • Revision reverse shoulder arthroplasty: step-by-step approach, evaluation of infection, instability, managing bone loss, and more
  • Miscellaneous topics: various approaches to rehabilitation, salvage options, and non-arthroplasty options for the rotator cuff deficient shoulder

Video website access is included with purchase, providing additional audio-visual support to theories and principles discussed in each chapter by the world’s leading experts.Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Comprehensive Case-Based Approach is a comprehensive and current guide intended to assist all levels of shoulder surgeons. This go-to resource will be a foundational asset to any surgeon in this expanding field.

Product Details

  • Publisher:Slack Incorporated; 1st edition (March 15, 2021)
  • Language:English
  • Hardcover:448 pages
  • ISBN-10:1630916854
  • ISBN-13:978-1630916855
  • ISBN-13:9781630916855
  • eText ISBN: 9781630916879

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