
Wound Healing Biomaterials – Volume 1: Therapies and Regeneration (PDF)



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Product Title: Wound Healing Biomaterials – Volume 1: Therapies and Regeneration (PDF)



Overview (Details, Topics and Speakers):

by Magnus Ågren (Editor)

Wound Healing Biomaterials: Volume One, Therapies and Regeneration

discusses the types of wounds associated with trauma, illness, or surgery that can sometimes be extremely complex and difficult to heal.

Consequently, there is a prominent drive for scientists and clinicians to find methods to heal these types of wounds, with science increasingly turning towards biomaterials to address these challenges. Much research is now concerned with new therapies, regeneration methods, and biomaterials to assist in wound healing and healing response.

This book provides readers with a comprehensive review of the fundamentals and advances in the field of wound healing with regard to therapies and tissue regeneration. Chapters in Part One discuss fundamentals and strategies of wound healing, while Part Two reviews gene, stem cell, and drug delivery therapies for wound healing. Final chapters look at tissue regeneration strategies, making this an all-encompassing book on the topic of wound care and biomaterials.

  • Provides more systematic and comprehensive coverage of specific therapies and biomaterials for wound healing
  • Highlights research that is concerned with new therapies, regeneration methods, and the use of biomaterials to assist in wound healing and healing response
  • Presents an organized layout of the material that is carefully arranged with clear titles and comprehensive section headings
  • Looks at tissue regeneration strategies, making this an all encompassing book on the topic of wound care


Product Details

  • Hardcover: 318 pages
  • Publisher: Woodhead Publishing; 1 edition (June 10, 2016)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1782424555
  • ISBN-13: 978-1782424550

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