
Sadek Al-Rokh’s Pacemaker of PACES (Scanned PDF)


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Product Title: Sadek Al-Rokh’s Pacemaker of PACES (Scanned PDF)


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Overview (Details, Topics and Speakers):

*Alrokh’s Pacemaker of PACES is a simplified approach for clinical exam of MRCP UK, MRCPI Irish, Egyptian board, Saudi board, Sudanese board and Arab board.
*It covers topics of History-Communication-Brief clinical consult.
*Some of the common scenarios covered:
Station 4: 
Counselling for addison’s disease
Counselling for epilepsy
Active TB asking for discharge
A nurse with needle stick injury from a patient with HIV
Complication of a procedure: Angry son-father died after a procedure…
and many more
History approach
Microcytic anemia in young female
Periodic paralysis
Skin rash and SOB
and many more
Station 5:
Tuberous sclerosis
Neck lump (Grave’s disease)
Ankylosing spondylitis
Sudden painless loss of vision
and many more

Product Details

Year: 2017
Publisher: Middle East Libraries
Language: English
Pages: 312
ISBN 13: 978-9776551046
ISBN 13: 9789776551046

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the Sadek Al-Rokh’s Pacemaker of PACES (Scanned PDF) course/book will be provided for customer as download link. download link has NO Expiry and can be used anytime.

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